Social is completely mainstream now. The worldwide population is 7.7 billion people… 4.2 billion access the internet and 3.4 billion are on social media platforms. The average amount of time spent on social media platforms daily is 116 minutes. Do you have a plan to capitalize on this audience?
Social Facts:
Over 2.3 billion Facebook users
Online water cooler
Build your network via promoted posts, great targeting and sophisticated ads
Content is distributed across all networks
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc.
Having a social presence is an important first step for engaging with current customers, but a targeted social advertising campaign can dramatically grow your business. Digital Destinations will drive new client acquisitions and conversions through:
- Strategic management
- Promoted posts with compelling content and targeted messaging
- Optimized social advertising campaigns
- Uniform content and messaging across multiple social platforms
- Targeting people who:
- Follow similar businesses
- Expressed an interest in your products or services
- Visited your website
The most often overlooked benefit of a well-managed and executed social strategy is the impact it has on your SEO efforts. The best SEO efforts can be improved if they are linked to a comprehensive social strategy. The search engine algorithms place a premium on businesses that are active online and, consequently, a well-orchestrated social media presence is viewed in a very favorable light by the major search engines. Fresh and original content engages your social media audience and wins favor with the search engines.