One of the best ways to determine what works and what doesn’t in SEO is through competitive analysis. However, for maximum effectiveness, it’s important that the analysis is performed properly. When you have a comprehensive strategy and plan of action, you can redirect traffic from your competitors to your website, while improving your ranking in the process.

With competitive analysis in SEO, you are able to identify:

  • Which keywords to target
  • What type of content to create
  • How to best optimize the content
  • How to generate links

How to Perform Search Engine Optimization Analysis in Chicago

Normally, SEO research in Chicago is restricted to the use of keyword and link tools in order to determine how to best raise your rankings. When performing competitive SEO analysis, however, a broader view is taken, and you will add competitor research into the mix. This can greatly improve the effectiveness of your efforts, because you can identify the overall strategy and tactics of your competitors and then apply them to your own campaigns. So, what does this entail?

1. Find Your Top Competitors First

One way to identify your top competitors is to search for the keywords you wish to target on Google and see what comes up. However, the more effective method is to identify the keywords you currently rank for, and then mark your top competitors. Since you are already generating momentum for these keywords, this will allow you to narrow down the field to a few key websites.

Depending on the size of your website and your previous marketing efforts, this can be a very difficult process. Imagine the amount of labor it will take to perform this analysis if you rank for dozens of keywords. This is where specialized tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs come in. You also have free tools, such as Domain Analysis from Moz, that will analyze your keywords and competitors automatically.

2. Study and Analyze the Keyword Gap

“Keyword gap” is a simple SEO concept that refers to the keywords that you are currently not targeting, but which are targeted by your main competitors. Closing this gap can bring in valuable traffic with minimal research. Here, you also have the option to do it manually, or you can use an automated tool from one of the companies mentioned above. However, keep in mind that you do not have to target every keyword that your competitors are currently targeting. Instead, you can get a higher ROI and be more efficient with your budget by targeting the keywords that are the most relevant to your business.

3. Study and Analyze the Link Gap

With the keyword gap out of the way, it’s time to move on to the link gap. The link gap refers to the difference in backlinks between you and your competitors. By finding out who links to your competitor but not to your website, you can find opportunities to build your backlinks and raise your ranking. The theory here is that, if someone links to one of your competitors, they are interested in your industry, product, or service. This analysis is harder to perform by hand, but companies such as Moz, Ahrefs, and others offer tools that can perform this essential function for you.

Contact Us for More Information

If you are currently planning to ramp up your SEO efforts, competitive analysis is an essential component of your overall campaign. It will help you figure out the most effective SEO tactics for your market by studying your competitors at a very low cost. To find out more, contact Digital Destination today. We can provide an online marketing plan that includes SEO in Chicago for companies looking to increase their customer acquisition and conversion rates. Once you with us, you will understand why we are the highest ranked search engine marketing agency in Chicago.