It is estimated that Google’s algorithms undergo roughly 500-600 changes each year. This frequency of updates makes it hard to maintain a high ranking on search engine result pages (or “SERPs”). But Google does this many updates to give its users the best results. This also means websites must constantly update and improve their content to stay relevant in Google search results.

This is where topic clusters become helpful. Below, this SEO agency in Des Plaines, Illinois is going to explain what topic clusters are and how to use them.

What are topic clusters? Why should you use them?

A topic cluster is simply a group of related content. Topic clusters map out the hierarchy and connections between your web pages, which helps search engines see what your website is all about. This improves your website’s authority on specific topics, which can help it rank higher on SERPs.

Topic clusters have three main components:

  • The pillar page is a detailed page about the main topic. It usually targets general short-tail keywords with a high search volume.
  • Cluster pages are subtopic pages that support the pillar page. Each cluster page targets long-tail keywords that are more specific but less popular.
  • Internal links connect the pillar page to the cluster pages. These links help users and search engines navigate your site easily.

Creating topic clusters might seem like extra work, but it can do wonders for your website. Here’s why:

  • Topic clusters organize your content into main topics and subtopics. This makes your website more relevant and easier to use.
  • With long-tail keywords in your subtopics, you can get more traffic. Meanwhile, your main topic or pillar page can target more competitive keywords. This way, you can rank for many different keywords.
  • Content that supports a main topic builds your website’s authority and credibility. This is important for your audience. When users see in-depth content on your site, they will likely trust it more.
  • Google can see the structured relationships between your content and index your site properly. And better indexing can improve your rankings in SERPs.
  • A well-structured website helps users find information easily, which leads to better overall user experiences. And when users find your site easy to use, they stay longer and visit other pages on your website.

Using topic clusters can improve your website’s relevance, authority, and user experience. This makes it one of the best strategies for improving your SEO. If you want to see real improvements in your rankings, you should consider working with an SEO agency in Des Plaines, Illinois that can properly implement topic clusters on your site.

Nine steps to create effective topic clusters

Creating effective topic clusters can improve your website’s SEO by a lot. Here are nine steps to keep in mind:

#1. Perform a content audit: Make a content inventory that includes all blogs, landing pages, and resources. Use online site audit tools to see your current content performance and find content that can be clustered together.

#2. Define topic areas: Topic areas are the main themes of your website and cover all your content. To define your topic areas, remember what your website is about, the services or products you offer, and the type of content you regularly publish. For example, if your website is about health, your topic areas could be nutrition, exercise, and mental health.

#3. Define core topics: Narrow down your topic areas to specific subjects. These will be your core topics or main themes that attract visitors to your website. For example, within the topic area of nutrition, a core topic could be “healthy eating habits.”

#4. Define subtopics: Subtopics are specific categories that support your core topics. They break down core topics into detailed sections. Each subtopic will be part of your cluster content, targeting long-tail keywords. For example, if your core topic is “healthy eating habits,” subtopics could be “meal planning” or “diet tips for weight loss.”

#5. Do your keyword research: Use online keyword research tools to find keywords with different levels of difficulty and search volume. For pillar pages, choose medium to hard keywords, as these keywords are more competitive but can attract a lot of traffic. For cluster pages, choose easier, more specific keywords, which are easier to rank for.

#6. Create your content plan: Plan your content strategy by connecting your content to your new pillar page. Update old content and add new content if necessary. Make sure your content answers the questions that your audience is asking.

#7. Create your content clusters: Write the content for your topic clusters. The pillar page should be an in-depth guide on your main topic, whereas each cluster page should cover a subtopic in detail.

#8. Link your content clusters together: Internal links are required to connect your topic clusters. Use clear and descriptive anchor text (or link text) and ensure the links fit naturally in your content and help users find more information about the topic they are interested in.

#9. Monitor and refine your strategy: After your pillar page is live, check its performance with tools like Google Analytics. Track metrics like page views, session duration, bounce rates, and traffic sources. You should also conduct competitive analysis regularly to find new keyword opportunities and improve your content.

Creating topic clusters can take a lot of work, including content audits, keyword research, and planning. This is why getting help from a professional SEO agency in Des Plaines, Illinois is often the best course of action.

Looking for an SEO agency in Des Plaines, Illinois?

Are you looking for a professional SEO agency in Des Plaines, Illinois, that can help you implement topic clusters and optimize your site? If so, Digital Destination LLC is the top choice. Contact us at (312) 933-6806 to schedule a free consultation.