SEO is one of the most important online marketing practices, but many companies do not take full advantage of it. Sure, you may have the meta-tags down, and your web pages may be full of keywords, but without a blog, you miss out on the opportunity to multiply the reach of your website. Regular blogging is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your website is at the top of the rankings for keywords that target your client base. This is why we’ve decided to write this article, where we will cover several important rules that will improve your blog’s SEO.

Focus on one or two Milwaukee SEO keywords per post

When optimizing your blog post for search engines, you don’t want to add as many keywords as possible. This practice is known as keyword stuffing, and it can actually hurt your efforts. Instead, you’ll want to focus on one or two main keywords for each blog post. They can be localized keywords, long-tail keywords, or just keywords that are highly relevant to your industry, product, or service.

Include the keywords in SEO-essential areas of the post

Ideally, you should include the keywords in four main areas of the post: the title, headers and body, meta description, and URL. While it is not always possible to include the keyword in the title, it can have a positive impact on your SEO. Make sure that the keyword is located in the first 160 characters of the meta description—that is the display cut-off point for Google Search Results.

You also want to include the keyword throughout the body of the post. This can include the headers as well. However, do not go overboard. The main thing here is to provide useful, readable content for your users. Two to four times will be enough for most keywords.

Make your blog mobile-friendly

Nowadays, more people use their mobile devices, rather than their computers, to search for things on the internet. To address this extraordinary demand, Google now shows mobile-friendly results first when mobile users perform a search. This means that you can increase your SEO simply by making your blog more responsive. Responsive design allows a blog page to be served from a single URL to both desktop computers and mobile devices, while displaying the content adequately for both. This can also be a boost to your SEO because any inbound links to a particular post will not be divided between two different URLs.

Optimize the Milwaukee SEO alt text for your images

Your blog posts will sometimes include images that can increase the visual appeal of the post and help better explain the content within it. The interesting thing here is that search engines will take images into account when gauging your post’s relevancy, but they will do so based on the images’ alt text. The alt text is an attribute that is part of the image tag in HTML, and it simply describes what the image contains. It has no technical application, but since it is taken into consideration by search engines, it is a perfect spot for your keywords. It doesn’t always have a huge impact, but in SEO, every little thing counts.

Optimizing your own Milwaukee SEO blog

In this article we’ve covered some of the best practices used to improve the SEO of a blog. However, SEO is a discipline that is always changing because search engine rules are continually updated. To truly harness the power of high search engine rankings, you will need a dedicated SEO team or agency. If you are interested in improving your own SEO in Milwaukee, get in touch with us today!