Live chat support — the service that allows individuals to communicate with a customer support agent in real-time — has become an integral part of the eCommerce experience for many businesses.

As this technology becomes more popular and widespread, myths about live chat support are also rising. Do you help you avoid confusion, this live chat agency in Des Plaines, Illinois is going to review five of the most common misconceptions about live chat support below.

Myth #1: You need to be available 24/7.

One of the most common misconceptions about live chat support is that you must be available 24/7 to provide a good customer experience.

While it is important to be available during peak hours, you don’t need to be available around the clock. You can still offer live chat support by using a chatbot or canned responses that are set up by a live chat agency in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Myth #2: Live chat is an afterthought.

Many businesses see live chat as an afterthought, something they can add on later down the road. But the truth is, if you are not offering live chat support from the get-go, you are already behind the competition.

This myth may come from how live chat has traditionally been used in retail — just a way for customers to find out when your store will be open or what time your dinner specials are served. It does not consider that people now want to talk with a real person before making purchases online. And this is not just limited to eCommerce sites either — even companies that don’t sell anything are seeing increased customer conversion rates after partnering with a live chat agency in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Myth #3: Customers don’t want live chat support.

One of the most common misconceptions about live chat support is that customers don’t want personal attention anymore, and they are happy just talking to a bot instead of speaking with a human being.

However, a study by Emarketer found that 63% of customers said they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat because it is faster and more convenient than other channels. With reputable sources supporting the benefits of providing customer service through live chat, you would have to be crazy not to offer live chat support on your website.

Myth #4: You can always offer self-service options first.

Many businesses think they can save money by offering self-service options first and only providing live chat support as a last resort. However, as discussed in myth #3, studies have shown that customers are more likely to purchase from a company that offers live chat support. Plus, if you provide self-service options first, you may end up frustrating your customers and driving them away.

Myth #5: It’s hard to measure the ROI of live chat.

While it is true that live chat support does not have the same tangibility as other customer support channels, that does not mean it is impossible to measure its ROI.

There are several ways to track your success after partnering with a live chat agency in Des Plaines, Illinois, including:

  • Looking at the number of chats handled per day/week/month
  • Monitoring customer satisfaction scores
  • Tracking how many chats lead to sales

Looking for a Professional Live Chat Agency in Des Plaines, Illinois?

Are you ready to partner with a live chat agency in Des Plaines, Illinois that can provide customer support on your website 24/7? If so, the experts at Digital Destination LLC are the people to call. We can implement live chat functionality on your website and give you the tools you need to improve customer experience. Contact us today at (312) 933-6806 to schedule a free consultation.