Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a big part of any digital marketing strategy. However, jumping into the world of SEM without clear goals and ways to measure success (known as Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs) is not the best approach.

To help you get started on the right foot, this SEM agency in Chicago, Illinois is going to explain why setting effective goals and KPIs is so important for your SEM campaigns.

Why are SEM goals necessary?

Before you start an SEM campaign, it’s important to know what you’re trying to achieve. This might seem obvious, but many businesses start their SEM campaigns without a clear goal.

Setting specific goals gives you direction and purpose. It helps you use your budget, time, and resources wisely, ensuring every step moves you closer to your objectives. Moreover, having clear goals enables you to focus on one objective at a time, avoiding distractions.

How to identify your SEM goals?

Your SEM goals should match the unique aspects of your Chicago business. These goals should reflect things like your business model, industry, and what growth stage your business is in. For example, a startup might want to build brand awareness, while an established online store may prioritize increasing sales.

Your goals could also be about getting more people to visit your website, getting more leads, or encouraging specific actions like newsletter signups. The important thing is to make sure these goals align with your overall business objectives.

Choosing the right KPIs

After you have set your goals, you’ll need to decide how you will measure success. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the metrics you can use to see how well your SEM campaign is doing in reaching your goals. Keeping an eye on the right KPIs helps you understand how effective your SEM campaign is and where you might need to make changes.

Of course, the KPIs should be directly linked to your SEM goals. For example, if you want more people to visit your website, your SEM agency in Chicago, Illinois will recommend looking at the total number of new visitors or page views. Or, if your goal is to increase sales, you might focus on KPIs like conversion rates, the number of transactions, or the average order value. Other important KPIs include click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Creating a custom SEM strategy

With clear goals and KPIs, you can create an SEM strategy that fits your business. This should cover everything from choosing the right keywords and writing compelling ads to managing ad bids.

The strategy should also identify your target audience — whether through geographic targeting, demographic targeting, or retargeting. Moreover, it should consider the customer journey, ensuring your SEM strategy not only attracts visitors but also guides them towards conversion.

Monitoring and adjusting your campaigns

Remember, SEM is not something you can just set up once and then forget about. It needs regular monitoring and adjustment to ensure everything works as it should.

Keep an eye on your KPIs and use what you learn to improve your campaigns. A professional SEM agency in Chicago, Illinois will use things like Google Analytics and other reporting tools to get a clear picture of how your campaign is doing. These tools can show you what’s working well and what might need some fine-tuning.

Looking for an SEM Agency in Chicago, Illinois?

Are you looking for an SEM agency in Chicago, Illinois that can build a solid SEM strategy for your business? If so, look no further than the team at Digital Destination LLC. Contact us today at (312) 933-6806 to schedule a free consultation with our team.